I am an artist & designer working at the intersection of art and technology. 

I create objects, installations, performances and interventions as thought experiments to explore the entanglement of technology, culture and society.  By employing a blend of DIY/hacker aesthetics and leveraging open-source tools, I create custom electronics and code to delve into themes such as information flow, generative systems, distributed networks, algorithmic control, complexity, and automation. Drawing inspiration from architectural and sculptural traditions, I use aesthetic elements as a means to provoke contemplation and critique of our relationship with technology.

I am one half of the artist duo Wetware Instruments

I was born in New Delhi, India, and I currently live in Ypsilanti, MI. 

I have exhibited at national and international venues, galleries and festivals such as the Science Gallery Detroit, Speculum Artium Media Festival Slovenia, New Media Caucus (NMC), Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, The Boulder Public Library, The Boulder Creative Collective Warehouse, The Hyde Park Art Center, and Sector 2337 Art Gallery & Printing Press, Tangible Embedded Interaction (TEI), International Symposium of Electronic Arts (ISEA) and Infosys Pathfinders Institute. 


Email: abnarula@umich.edu

MFA Studio Art - Stamps School of Art and Design, University of Michigan

MS/BS Electrical Engineering - Georgia Institute of Technology